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Agricen Sciences Blog

Category Archives: ag-biologicals

Beneficial Bacteria and Soil Health

trial evaluation.jpgThere are many mysteries we have yet to unearth about the soil and the microorganisms within it. But, by better understanding the soil, its inhabitants, and the processes within it, we can create new tools to improve soil health—and thereby improve crop productivity. 

In a recent article, Dave Lanciault CEO of Agricen Sciences, discusses how agricultural biologicals and biostimulants, including those derived from beneficial bacteria, can be used to enhance soil and plant health. He also emphasizes the need for farmers, landowners and governments to invest in soil health. 

“Managing soil health means we must influence a complex soil ecology, which requires integrated soil management practices," says Dave. "We are talking about taking a long-term approach to managing the soil environment so it can sustain itself – and produce stronger, healthier crops.”

Dave (left) is pictured above with Curt Hill (right), Agricen Sciences' Plant Evaluation Scientist, as they evaluate a product field trial in Pilot Point, Texas.

Read the full story on the Bayer Crop Science site.

Read the Story

Posted in Biostimulants, Agricultural Productivity, Ag Biologicals